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Breast gland growth in males is called Gynecomastia. It is sometimes accompanied with excess fat and skin
It is common problem, mostly affects both breasts

Patients should have realistic expectations to have satisfactory result after this surgery. 


  • Breast enlargement

Surgical Procedure

It can be done wide awake in Local anaesthesia or in General anaesthesia
Surgery involves liposuction alone or small infra alveolar incision to remove breast tissue
In some cases skin needs to be removed as a separate surgery 6-9 months after liposuction


Most commonly there is no cause identified. However it can be caused by some hormonal problems, liver failure, kidney failure and some medications

Effects of Surgery

Boosts confidence of patient and he will be more confident without shirt.


  • Seroma, hematoma, infections, and hypertrophic
    or keloid scars
  • Asymmetry
  •  Contour abnormalities
  • Skin burns


  • Body compression garment applied over Topi-Foam dressing and worn continuously for 6 weeks.
    Patient may remove dressing and shower at 48 h.

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