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Dermal Fillers

With aging, subcutaneous fat i.e fat beneath the skin diminishes, muscles come in closer contact with overlying skin and wrinkles become prominent. Fillers give a fuller look and improve facial volume.Most of them are made of natural substances present in the body. There are a variety of fillers available in the market. Some are temporary and last for few months, others are permanent and last  for years. Most commonly used one is Hyaluronic acid which is a natural substance in our body found in skin, subcutaneous tissues and cartilage and joint fluids

Patients should have realistic expectations to have satisfactory result after this surgery. 


  • Plump thin lips
  • Enhance shallow contours
  • Soften facial creases and wrinkles
  • Improve the appearance of recessed scars, acne scars
  • Reconstruct contour deformities in the face
  • Decrease or remove the shadow of the lower lids

Effects Of Injection

Result is noticeable immediately. Effects last for months to years depending upon the type of filler used and repeat injection are required.

Surgical Procedure

It is a minimally invasive injection that’s given in the clinic without anaesthesia. It is injected in small amounts with very small needles into desired muscles. Forehead furrows may require upto five while crow’s feet upto three injections. 


Injection is generally safe however it can cause bruising, bleeding, infection, palpable lumps, skin necrosis, scarring , allergic reactions and acne like skin eruptions.


One can resume normal activity immediately after the injection, however heavy exercise should be avoided for two days. Ice packs should be used to decrease the swelling. The site can remain tender for one to two days but usually without the need for pain killers.

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