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Breast Reduction

Large breasts of Hypermastia/Macromastia | can cause Back, neck and shoulder pain and Bra strap indentations along with rashes, maceration , difficulty with wardrobe. 

Patients should have realistic expectations to have satisfactory result after this surgery. 


  • Weight loss and medical treatments are not successful and surgery is the main stay of treatment.

Surgical Procedure

Operation i.e breast reduction or reduction mammaplasty is done in general anaesthesia where excess breast tissue is removed with incisions on lower part of breast in such a way that most of them are hidden in front view. Sometimes liposuction is also added to give breast mound proper shape. Sometimes a drain is placed which is removed in few days.


In some young females, breasts start growing massively with onset of menstruation and results in very large breast called Gigantomastia

Effects of Surgery

Almost 98% of women are satisfied with this type of surgery


Bleeding,. Infection, Complex scar, Nipple necrosis, Incisional dehiscence ,Fat necrosis,Loss of nipple areolar sensation,Inability to breast feed,Contour abnormality, Delayed healing,Poor outcome,Further surgery are some of the complications associated with surgery.

Cost of Surgery

Breast reduction costs may include:

  • Anesthesia fees
  • Hospital or surgical facility costs
  • Medical tests
  • Post-surgery garments
  • Prescriptions for medication
  • Surgeon’s fee


  • Drain care, Incisional care, Postoperative bra , No strenuous activity for 4–6 weeks

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