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Mommy Makeover

This surgery addresses the changes that a woman notices in her body after pregnancies. The aim of surgery is to improve appearance of breasts, tummy, waist, hips and buttocks as a single surgical procedure.

Patients should have realistic expectations to have satisfactory result after this surgery. 


  • A woman with good general health and realistic expectation who has completed her family and wants to restore her body

Surgical Procedure

Mommy makeover surgery is typically performed in a hospital and will likely use general anesthesia.
Surgeries done on breast could be breast augmentation/ mastopexy or reduction.
Surgeries on torso include abdominoplasty/ liposuction
Surgery on buttock includes buttock augmentation
And finally vaginal rejuvenation.

Effects Of Injection

final results of mommy makeover surgery may not be apparent for several months. Most women notice significant improvement in their self confidence


The possible risks of mommy makeover surgery include, but are not limited to, bleeding, infection, poor healing of incisions, hematoma, seroma, loss of nipple sensation, inability to breast feed, implant leak, capsular contracture, anaplastic large cell lymphoma, unfavorable scarring, recurrent looseness of skin, fat necrosis, deep venous thrombosis, cardiac and pulmonary complications, asymmetry, persistent pain, contour deformity, fat embolization and anesthesia risks.

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